
Your site must match one of the following three themes to qualify for the competition. If your site meets the technical requirements but does not match the themes, you will receive academic credit for the course, but will not qualify for the competition.

For each of the following themes, we have provided several examples, as well as some counterexamples. The examples are designed to be vague enough to allow for many different designs and implementations, so do not feel that the examples are in any way "off-limits".

Theme 1: Urban Living, Exploration, and Transportation

Design a website that helps people of a city explore or get to know their own city. Please note that this is different from a website that helps tourists explore a city - the aim of your websites should be to help residents of a city or town explore, get around, or learn more about where they are living.



Theme 2: Health, Fitness, and Nutrition

Design a website that helps an individual or a community become more informed about health and nutrition or realize their health-related goals. This should be catered toward the average person, and not be directed towards doctors or hospitals.



Theme 3: Environmental Sustainability

Design a website that either promotes or encourages good environmental sustainability practices or develops a greater awareness of environmental issues.

