
The One Page, 10-minute Node Preface.

What is Node?

Node is a magical beast that helps you build an amazing web server. And, best of all, it’s in JavaScript, the universally growing web-friendly language. There’s no need for any PHP, Ruby, Dogescript, etc to get your backend up and running. Please follow the instructions below to prepare for tomorrow’s lecture.

Setting up Node

Let’s install Node!

Step 1. Click on Install Node here:

Step 2. Click Next, Agree to Software Agreement (if you’re on Windows), Next a couple more times, and Install

Step 3. Holy. You’re done! You have so much free time! Maybe read a book, or give some time to that favorite hobby of yours you’ve been neglecting.

Making sure Node is installed correctly

Let’s create a server!

Download the file here: (Right click, save as ‘app.js’ without the quotations). Make sure you save it/move it to your Desktop

PC: open up Node.js command prompt (should be in a Node.js folder in your All programs).

Mac: open up Terminal (in your Applications).

Navigate to your Desktop (most likely a command like: cd Desktop).

type the command: node app.js

In the command prompt/terminal, console.log should have logged a message. Visit that link (http://localhost:8000). If you open that in a web browser, you should be able to see a page.

Congratulations, it worked! You’re done! Sit tight, and wait for tomorrow’s lecture.

Wait, what happened?

It’s alright. We’ll explain a lot of this tomorrow in lecture. If you have trouble with any of these steps, please post a question on Piazza and we’ll answer it as soon as possible.

See you tomorrow!